Finally, we are back to Ruth! One of the reasons it has taken me so long to post on Ch. 3, is because I'm not really sure what to say. :-) I find myself reading it, longing for that kind of relationship, but not knowing how to get there.
Ruth trusts the people in her life. On a deeper level, I believe that she trusts God to lead her through the people in her life. When Naomi shares with her the custom of going and laying at a man's (Boaz's) feet, she doesn't argue or question her, she just does it. She trusts her mother-in-law to guide her in doing what is right and appropriate. When Boaz gives her instruction, she doesn't argue or question him either, she just does it. She trusts him to do what is right and good.
The other thing that really struck me in chapter 3, is that although Ruth's actions are bold, she is not. When she goes to the threshing floor, she goes softly, she quietly uncovers his feet and lies down ~ Boaz doesn't even know she's there until the middle of the night. Once he discovers her, he once again commends her character and blesses her.
As a wife, what I take away from chapter 3 is that I need to trust God. My relationship with my Heavenly Father needs to be such that I know Him well enough to know that He is trustworthy. I can trust my Beloved to lead me in paths of righteousness, because I can trust my God to lead me through my Beloved. This is something that I have 'known' for several years, but have had a hard time putting into practice. Over the last couple of years, God has shown me again and again, that even when I can't see it, He is leading through my Beloved. My job is to trust and follow. Not easy for someone as headstrong as I tend to be. But so necessary if I truly want to be a godly woman. I also see that I can do bold things, but they can be accomplished with a meek and gentle spirit. My desire is to behave in such a way that it reflects my Father's character.
Chapter 3 leaves me with the desire to be a godly woman. As my boys grow older and begin to enter the stage of life where they might bring home a young woman who is destined to be their bride, I long to have the kind of relationship that Naomi and Ruth shared. Not to replace or displace her mother, but to add to and bless her with another trusted adviser, to share in common the love of God and which ever son she loves. And that leaves me feeling somewhat adrift. Other than praying for that kind of relationship, I don't know how to achieve it. I don't see that around me. What I see most often is a strained relationship between the mothers of sons and the son's wife. I see young women not willing to listen to the wise counsel of their mother-in-laws, and only willing to listen to and love their own families. And it makes me sad, because I believe that God has so much more for us ~ I believe He shows us what could be in the book of Ruth ~ if we would just embrace His design.
If you have this kind of relationship with a daughter-in-law, would you share with us? Would you share how you have cultivated this love and trust? I am certain that I am not the only one desiring this, and yet at a loss as how to accomplish it when the time comes.
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4 months ago