Sunday, May 3, 2009

Grief and Comfort

My Beloved's oldest sister committed suicide this past week. It has been a long week, full of grief and memories. On Friday, all of the rest of his siblings came here to our house and we spent some time together thinking about and honoring her memory. We sang songs of praise and worship to our Heavenly Father, we read scripture, and we released balloons into the darkened sky.

Throughout this week, God has shown Himself faithful. He has comforted us as we grieved. I had contacted some dear prayer warriors, and asked them to cover my Beloved in prayer before I told him. Of all the deaths in his family that I have walked alongside him through, I believe that he handled this one best, and I know it is because of all the prayers lifted before the Throne of Grace on his behalf.

If you were one of the ones praying for him, THANK YOU!! May God bless you as you have blessed us with your prayers. I am so thankful for the internet. In a moment's time, I was able to ask for prayers around the world ~ how amazing is that? And God answered. That too is amazing.

"But God, who comforts the downcast..." 2 Cor. 7:6a

Truely our God is close to the broken-hearted.

In Loving Memory
Stacy Michelle Ferguson

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